Welcome to Alchemy Station

Where you can come to find space, support, and structure built to fuel your radical transformation.

Turn the ISH into gold!!!

Hi, I’m Jay

Who I Am

I’ve been a seeker for just about as long as I can remember. It all began just before bath time one evening when I was about 7. I remember peering into the mirror, wondering what “other me’s” were out there. I have been looking for them, and learning how to play nice with them, ever since.

Let me help you find, hold, and integrate your “other you’s” so you can play nice with yourself too.

What I Do

I use astrology, tarot, conscious kink, dance, and writing as tools to get back into the body, helping people build a firm foundation for the exploration of their many selves. I still endorse bath time as a valuable part of the practice.

Here for the Mercury Retrograde Playground?

In pop culture, we hear a lot of bad news associated with this particular transit, with warnings not to sign contracts, book travel, start new jobs or relationships, and to make sure you backup your data.

Mercury Retrograde Playground provides the antidote to the very challenges that it often gets blamed for. By delving into the Mercurial Realms you will begin to know this planet better than you ever have before and will find keys to unlock its mysterious impact. 

Writing & Philosophy

I am a writer and artist exploring the intersection of spirtuality, adult human relating, social justice, and culture. I write in a style of my own that blends memoir, essay, and poetic description.

On my SubStack, you can expect a wide range of personal musings from the idea popcorn popper that is my brain; dealing with adult human relating, personal growth, and culture. I will even throw in a recipe every now and then because food is culture too.